Noobtoob you have to burn the rope
Noobtoob you have to burn the rope

I later managed to get some 268 Sentry gear, even with the nerf there still pretty good, +2,655 marksman rifle damage. I was able to roll the ACR and add destructive to the talents, with added armor damage to AR's that thing became an absolute face melter even with my shitty dps.

noobtoob you have to burn the rope

There was another group there, nobody went rouge, we just killed the NPCs and left. We ran to the next box, grabbed that, the loot was bull but the boss dropped a 204 ACR with vicious and deadly on it. Then the supply drops came, we ran to the first one, I popped all the health and shield I could and ran straight to the box. After the HVT's we went into the DZ, did some farming but didn't get much. Squaded up and ran the weekly HVT's trying to get that 268 gear, which I did, Lone Star because the games a troll. I rolled my M1a and added brutal to the mix. I was able to re-roll and add Brutal to the mix. I kept a Navy MP5 with deadly and competent as a fall back for my AUG. But I planned ahead, I've been hoarding gear and guns for a while in preparation for this. So the nerf hit me pretty hard, (a 60k drop in my already abissmal dps.) and it was upsetting at first. Like most people, I was running an AUG and First wave M1a with sentry gear. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I know there's plenty of bugs with this game that should have been fixed before adding more content.

Noobtoob you have to burn the rope